8 Slaters, 3 Silverfish, a Centipede and a Slater Spider

This sticky trap looks pretty full but given that it’s from a castle and out has been in place for a few months, it’s probably OK. The Slaters (Woodlice) aren’t usually a problem and nor are the Silverfish except when there are delicate things around like old wallpaper or other paper. The Slater spider (apparently these both jump and bite) and the Centipede (or is it a millipede?) have come into the trap thinking that that are about to get an easy meal. This catching of the predators of pest species is far from ideal. As well as being unfair, these predators would have been doing our job for us, had we not killed them.  The trouble is that we need to have early warning of real pest species and this is the only way to do it.
